Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography: Blog en-us (C) Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography (Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:17:00 GMT Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:17:00 GMT Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography: Blog 120 72 Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness

I'm a little late but ...On a serious note, my friends, I would be remiss if I did not share my wife's post about metastatic breast cancer.  October is "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and October 13th is "Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day" and this is what she would want me to share.

"Think Pink, buy Pink, walk for Pink. Yes, yes, yes! Awareness is needed, for sure. Awareness is working, for sure. I think 5 in 8 women diagnosed can be said to be “cured” after treatment. Yes, Pink is great but (yeah, I said it, BUT) I can tell you —as a person with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer— MBC still needs more than awareness. We need more research. Lots more!

Just wearing, buying, or walking for "pink" does not reduce deaths from breast cancer. ln the United States, someone dies from breast cancer every 14 minutes. Despite huge awareness and funds, this number has not decreased significantly in nearly 40 years. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the US and 1 in 3 of those will become metastatic. Yes, Stage 4 critically needs much more.

It is challenging, however, for various reasons. The biggest obstacle is the lack of funding. Only an estimated 5% of the funds raised for breast cancer research is spent on studies of breast cancer metastasis. Did you know that? Can you believe that! …only 5%! With 30% of the people diagnosed with breast cancer expected to experience a metastasis and another 6% initially diagnosed at Stage 4, you would think more research dollars would be earmarked for MBC. This has to change and through the advocacy and efforts of METavivor, BCRF, and others, this can happen. METAvivor works diligently to raise funds for MBC research. The current funding disparity is deadly and METAvivor will tirelessly advocate for equity until 30% of breast cancer funds are allocated to research that will ultimately improve the quality, or save the lives, of metastatic breast cancer patients. The message is getting out and this month you will definitely hear more about “awareness pink” but you will also hear and learn about (maybe for the first time) “MBC green, pink, and teal.” You can learn more about MBC at  

Sorry for the long post but … it is awareness month and the MBC story and colors should be known and shared. So, please share. 

And please, please, please get your yearly mamm. Nag your wife, mom, family member or friend to do it too. Early detection is still, and always, the first and best protection. God bless all of the Pink and METAvivor sisters (and brothers —it affects men, too) and their families.'



(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness October 13th Stage 4 Needs More Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:17:18 GMT
Bristol Art Galeria’s “Creative Photography Show and Contest” I am so happy to share that I won 3rd Place at the Bristol Art Galeria’s “Creative Photography Show and Contest.”   Yay!  So Exciting.   The gallery is the brainchild and creation of Rose Marie Strippoli and Kristen Baker (both outstanding artists in multiple mediums) and provides a place for local artists to show and sell their work.  I am honored and thankful for the opportunity to show my work and the 3rd place award.   The exhibition runs from October 18th thru November 23rd.  

I wish all the best for Rose Marie and Kristen with their beautiful, new Gallery. 

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) 3rd Place Winner Creative Photography Show and Contest. Bristol Art Galeria Fine Art Photography infrared Landscapes Waterscapes Fri, 22 Nov 2024 01:29:48 GMT
"The World Outside the Window" BCCC Art Exhibit The World Outside the Window - BCCC ExhibitThe World Outside the Window - BCCC Exhibit

Crazy Busy!  The Happy Problem!  The Gallery at Lower Buck has "The World Outside the Window" Art Exhibit opening 9/16/2024 and running thru 11/14.  So much happening right now but I would n ever complain.  Happy, thankful, appreciative to be included in every show.

The World Outside the Window - BCCC ExhibitThe World Outside the Window - BCCC Exhibit The World Outside the Window - BCCC ExhibitThe World Outside the Window - BCCC Exhibit The World Outside the Window - BCCC ExhibitThe World Outside the Window - BCCC Exhibit

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) infrared et koch fine art photography gallery fine art photography flowers landscapes photography the gallery at lower bucks campus the world outside the window waterscapes Wed, 18 Sep 2024 17:06:03 GMT
Holy Trinity Art Exhibit Hello Everyone.  So excited to be able to show my Photography with world renowned composer and Grammy winner (also a great photographer), Kile Smith.  Sharing what we do was GREAT!   We have the best Church, the best Pastor, the best congregation.  Blessed, in every way!  God is awesome! 

Holy Trinity Art ExhibitHoly Trinity Art Exhibit

Holy Trinity Art ExhibitHoly Trinity Art ExhibitOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Waterscapes Infrared ET Koch Fine Art Photography Gallery Fine Art Photography Flowers Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Landscapes Photography Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:53:13 GMT
Juried in: New Hope Arts Center "Raise the Roof: Contemporary Barnscapes" As I write this, it is a very cool summer day -- Summer seems to end so abruptly!  One thing that hasn't ended is Art Exhibitions.  I just wanted to share that from 8/31 thru 10/6 (yes, Fall is that close!), I will have some work at the New Hope Arts Art Center.  I was juried into the exhibit and I couldn't be more pleased.  

Raise the Roof: Contemporary Barnscapes (
New Hope Arts Center "Raise the Roof: Contemporary Barnscapes"New Hope Arts Center "Raise the Roof: Contemporary Barnscapes"

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Barns Bucks County New Hope New Hope Arts Center Raise the Roof: Contemporary Barnscapes Thu, 22 Aug 2024 17:00:18 GMT
My Home Photography Gallery   ET Koch Photography Gallery Hello Everyone. I hope you have had a great summer!  I recently finished updating my home photography gallery. I'm pleased with the result. Check it out.  


(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) ET Koch Fine Art Photography Gallery Fine Art Photography Flowers Home Gallery Infrared Landscapes Photography Waterscapes Wed, 07 Aug 2024 22:43:13 GMT
Juried In! Good Times! June 2024 Great News! My "East Point Lighthouse" was juried into the Arts & Cultural Council of Bucks County Member Show at Freeman Hall in Doylestown.

East Point Lighthouse WaterfrontEast Point Lighthouse WaterfrontWaterscapes | E T Koch

More Great News! --my portfolio piece "Green Street" was sold at the A&C Member Show! 

Green StreetGreen StreetSundries | E T Koch

July 2024 Even More Great news! My piece “Deep in Thought” has been juried in the highly prestigious Philadelphia Sketch Club “Absolutely Abstract 2024 Exhibition!”

Koch_Ernest_Deep in Thought_V2Koch_Ernest_Deep in Thought_V2Sundries | E T Koch





(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Absolutely Abstract Fine Art Photography Philadelphia Sketch Club Thu, 27 Jun 2024 02:23:16 GMT
Exhibitions Galore! Hello Everyone.  It's been a while since I checked in here and there has been a lot happening.  I closed the year with four art exhibitions, the most exciting of which was "Expressive Abstractions."  Check out the great video here... Zenfolio | Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography | Expressive Abstractions Exhibition - 12/23 (   

Suzan Gottshall and I had a private studio exhibition (with guest artist Marissa McManus "Floral Finesse") for the entire month of December.  I had 90 pieces in the Exhibition and was pleased to sell 2 framed pictures and 8 prints.  In this economy (and it has been a tough year for all), I consider that an outstanding result.  More than sales, it was such an honor to have so many people come to see my work.  Josh Woodroffe hosted the show at his pixelMIGHT Studio with our sincere thanks and appreciation.

I also had 3 pieces juried in the prestigious Exhibit B Gallery "Winter Show," 4 pieces at the LBH Gallery, and 2 pieces in the Second to Nun Framery Gallery.  Busy, busy, busy!

Lots more coming up with LBH, Show Some HeART, and more.  Stay tuned.

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(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Artistic Infrared Photography Birds Bucks County Butterflies Digital Photography Eagle Fine Art Photography Landscapes Sundries Sunrise Sunset Trains Waterfronts Mon, 29 Jan 2024 21:01:20 GMT
AOB Artist's Exhibit LBH ExhibitLBH Exhibit As an AOB Artist, I was able to include 5 pieces of my work in the Winter Gallery Show at Lower Bucks Hospital Gallery in Bristol.  So far, I am pleased to have had 2 sales.  It is always such an honor when someone likes my work and wants to hang it in their home.  I am so thankful.  Artists of Bristol on the Delaware

Looking ahead, I would love to see another purchase (or more) at the AOB Exhibition and...

On February 6th, I will be happy to include two of my pieces in the "Show Some HeART 125 Exhibition" at The Gallery at Lower Bucks Campus.  I was pleased to not only have sales at prior events but also be awarded "Best in Photography" twice. Such an honor! Looking forward to another great event.  The Gallery at Lower Bucks Campus | Bucks County Community College


(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) aob artist's exhibit artists of bristol bright winter colors ernest koch lower bucks hospital gallery photography Thu, 19 Jan 2023 21:43:15 GMT
New Year - New Beginning First ... Happy New Year!  I hope this new year brings good health, prosperity, love and happiness to you all!

Last year, we downsized to a lovely townhome in Perkasie. We were blessed to celebrate our first Christmas with the family there (2022).  As we begin the new year (a first, as well), we look forward to continuing to fill this home with love and lots of my photos :>).  The picture over the fireplace is one of mine. My wife plans to change it with the season.  Lucky thing she is married to a photographer.  Summer, Spring, Fall, Winter ...I've got it covered. ChristmasChristmas

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) ernest koch photography fine art Thu, 19 Jan 2023 21:05:47 GMT
Milestones and Blessings   

50th Anniversary with the family50th Anniversary with the family

50 years50 years 50th50th Hello Everyone.  It's been a while since I blogged but it has been a busy time.  We were preparing our home (that I built) for the market and subsequent sale and have been making the new house we purchased our "home."   I've been active with my photography, with my work displayed in a few Galleries since December.  Most importantly...Milestones! Sharon and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary with our daughters, their husbands, and our grandkids all together with us to celebrate at the shore for a week.  Time flies and blessings abound.  Treasure both your time and blessings. 

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Anniversary Art Blessings Ernest Fine Koch Milestones Photography Mon, 03 Oct 2022 17:28:57 GMT
Rutgers Arts Studio Tour + Fundraiser Hello Everyone.  It's been awhile since I've posted to my blog.  Summer can get crazy! 

I wanted to share the great news that I have been invited back to Rutgers Landscape and Nursery for their "plein air studio tour + fundraiserFall Art Exhibition and Sale.  This one is special because Fisherman's Mark (a Lambertville organization) will be collecting non-perishable foods, diapers, personal hygiene items, and cleaning supplies for families in the area hit hard by recent weather events.  

Please stop by and see me and Sharon tomorrow or Sunday.  I have lots of great framed and matted pictures for you to see.  If you can, please bring some items for those in need.  

We hope to see you there.  Remember, Saturday or Sunday from 11 - 3.

Happy Fall!

P.S. Please read the flyer.  Lots of artists and musicians PLUS Rutgers has lots of Fall Specials.  Come and explore.  On a personal note, you will find absolutely everyone at Rutgers Landscape and Nursery to be helpful and friendly as can be.  


Arts at Rutgers Nursery Oct 2-3 Arts at Rutgers Nursery Oct 2-3Rutgers Arts a plein air studio tour + fundraiser

(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) birds black and white butterflies and bees covered bridges Fine Art Photography Flowers infrared landscapes Photography plein air studio tour + fundraiser waterscapes Fri, 01 Oct 2021 22:53:34 GMT
"Art In Bloom" New Hope Historical Society 26th Annual Garden Tour Ernest T Koch Fine Art Photography is on the tour!  Stop in to see me!

Art in BloomArt in Bloom

New Hope Historical Society presents their 26th Annual Garden Tour.  This year they are collaborating with New Hope Arts and local artists and photographers invited by them to paint and exhibit at each of the tour venues.  I'll be at the beautiful, 12 acre, Rutgers Landscape & Nursery.

A $35 ticket provides entrée to five unique settings: the Parry Mansion, Mayor Keller’s home, the Logan Residence, the Goodwin Property, and Rutgers Landscape & Nursery. Tickets and map will be emailed upon purchase.  Explore the self-guided tour at your own pace.  Parking volunteers will be on hand at each location.  Saturday, 6/5/21, 10am-4pm (rain date 6/12).

Info and tickets at new hope historical society website:



(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Art In Bloom Garden Tour Join the Tour New Hope Historical Society Thu, 27 May 2021 01:05:15 GMT
Juried-In the Prestigious Philadelphia Sketch Club "Art of the Flower" 2021 Exhibition Great News!  I entered 8 photographs (10 were allowed) for consideration for inclusion in the prestigious Philadelphia Sketch Club "Art of the Flower Exhibition."  I knew that the maximum number of photographs that could be accepted for the Exhibition was 4 (if the judge considered them worthy of being juried-in) and I was hopeful that one or more would make it.  I gotta tell you, I was seriously excited when I was advised that 4 of my photographs (the maximum possible) were accepted!  What an honor!  I didn't win the best photograph in this contest.  Cheryl Bomba, a highly-respected and seriously-talented photographer friend did; but, I was really honored to be included in the company of such great artists and photographers.  I take that as a treasured win.  The virtual exhibition runs from April 25th to May 25th.  Stop in and see some outstanding work.

Red Columbine Blossom and BudRed Columbine Blossom and BudBlog | E T Koch

Birth of a Beebalm FlowerBirth of a Beebalm FlowerBlog | E T Koch
Coneflower in BloomConeflower in BloomBlog | E T Koch Pink Rain LilyPink Rain LilyBlog | E T Koch


(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Art of the Flower 2021 Art of the Flower Virtual Exhibition Flowers Philadelphia Sketch Club Photography Mon, 26 Apr 2021 21:32:46 GMT
Ernest T Koch Fine Art Photography is published in Philadelphia Stories Magazine! I am excited to announce that Philadelphia Stories Magazine has chosen one of my black and white photographs of City Hall to be included in the current publication of their magazine (see page 2 for bio and page 15 for image).  The mission of the Philadelphia Stories is to cultivate a community of writers, artists, and readers in the Greater Philadelphia Area through publications, professional development, and promotion of area writers.  It is an honor to have been selected –an honor for which I am truly thankfulCheck out the current edition by tapping or clicking on the image below.  Also, while you're here, nothing would make me happier than if you took a minute to check out my PortfolioThank you and have a great day!

Philadelphia Stories MagazinePhiladelphia Stories MagazineBlog | E T Koch


(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Black and White City Hall Greater Philadelphia Metro Area Philadelphia Philadelphia Stories Magazine Published Photographer Thu, 15 Apr 2021 20:25:06 GMT
This is it! My photography website is live today. Blog | E T Koch

Well, this is it! My fine art photography website is finally finished!  There are some odds and ends yet to be done (it's a lot of pictures to title, caption, and keyword!!); but, for all intents and purposes, the website is finished and I am thrilled to be able to share it with you.

So, you might ask, "What is Fine Art Photography?"  By definition, fine art photography is photography created in line with the vision of the photographer as artist, using photography as a medium for creative expression. In practice, it is just something I do. I see beyond the image I am capturing and I translate what I see into the picture I "make." 
Many years ago, I was inspired by the words of renowned fine art photographer, Ansel Adams. He said, "You don't take a photograph. You make it."  Yes, that's what I endeavor to do. I hope, as you look through my galleries, you like what I have "made". 

Please subscribe to my Blog to keep up with what's happening at Ernest T Koch Fine Art Photography. Stay tuned ...and, again, thank you so much for being here.



(Ernest T. Koch Fine Art Photography) Black and White Digital Enhancement Fine Art Photography Flowers Infrared Koch Landscapes Photography Waterscapes Fri, 19 Mar 2021 00:48:56 GMT